Setelah sekian lama tak bersua, Alhamdulillah dapat menaip dekat blog ni :) *Happy*
Sekarang ni saya dah Tahun 3! Pejam celik pejam celik,sekejap je masa berlalu. seriously rasa sekejap. But to face it, sangat mencabar lah.
Tawaran perubatan UPNM-2010 sampai la sekarang da tahun 3 in medicine. Doakan saya ye.
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Me with smiley face during the introduction day before starting IM posting:) |
So far, I have gone to 3 postings. which is Internal Medicine, O&G and currently I am in surgery posting :) I am doing clinical posting in year 3 at HAT Mizan.
Alhamdulillah. So far, I seen cases yang before ni tengok biasa2 je dalam tv,newspaper,in theory in books. but now clinically, I managed to see clearly and relate the facts with the symptom patient presented.
Yang paling terkesan,bila ada patient yang passed away. Memang sangat insaf. tapi ajal maut tentukan segalanya kan.
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This is my groupmate! |
In Medical ward, commonly seen cases are Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, heart failure, Dengue, TB and so on la.
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We were doing wound dressing for the 1st time! :) |
In O&G,we managed to learn how to deliver baby, access a pregnant mother. And it is a very great experiences to see how difficult moms to deliver their babies. Thank you mak lahirkan Nani :)
And now I am in surgery posting. Seeing patient with cancer making me terribly fear to foods especially the fast food. Kena ambil langkah berjaga-jaga semasa makan. Dont take too much of protein actually,Kobis sayur tu pun boleh sebabkan kanser if take it so much. Because it can produce estrogen. estrogen lelebih ni boleh sebabkan kanser. Doakan saya berjaya dalam surgery posting ye.
Last, I will be in paediatric posting. tapi belum masuk lagi.InsyaAllah. doakan saya and kawan2 yang lain.
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Sometime having some short nap is a good way during lecture. Tidak boleh ditiru ye! hehe. |
Sekian untuk kali ini. Wassalam!
pssst:Haa sesiapa yang nak order Exfuze 7+ boleh order di talian dan whats app saya: 0104020509/0127600048
Sebabnya bagus untuk kesihatan,dan bagi mengelakkan kanser dan penyakit berbahaya. Selagi mana kita boleh ikhtiar, dan doa,InsyaAllah,Allah sembuhkan.